Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New FDA regulations

Last year there was a new piece of legislature that promised to regulate food improve food safety through new laws and restrictions guidelines. That translated into new ways that the government can monitor and enforce onerous new requirements for all sorts of different things that aren’t part of the intended use of the law. After all, we know that Congress really only passes laws so that we can tell what is actually in it.

It is now being revealed that as a result of the new FDA powers that were added they are able to start pulling off the market any product that they do not agree with, instead of the current method that is currently in use, which gives the United States a clear advantage over the rest of the world. Many of the products that we use commonly, such as vitamins, minerals, gingko, ginseng, Reservitrol, garlic oil, aloe vera and many others, are not allowed to be sold outside of pharmacies, if at all. These products natural benefits that allow the average consumer to avoid using pharmaceutical products that have side effects and are much more costly, not to mention fit nicely in the Obamacare health plan. The current FDA proposed regulations would move us towards becoming more like those countries. This is a direct attack on Freedom and liberty. It is a direct attack on a large number of employers and companies here in Utah, especially Utah County.

On Thursday, September 8 there is a call-in campaign that is being organized to let our senators and representatives know that we do not support another attack on business, one that provides health benefits and employment to thousands. Please join me and many others to call in and let your US representatives know that we are drawing a line where they may not cross.

Here are some points to mention:

  • Request that Congress direct the FDA to carefully review their draft guidance, and unless they amend the guidance to reflect my concerns, to call hearings at the end of the review process.
  • When the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was passed, Congress intended there be a simple notification system for new supplements. But now the FDA is turning it into a pre-approval scheme—one that Congress never intended. This will reduce the number of supplements sold and increase the cost of those that remain.

  • Ask that the FDA honor Congressional intent and protect access to supplements

Mention at least one of the following points on your call:

  • Congress recognized that dietary supplements are natural ingredients and therefore inherently safer than drugs and chemical food additives. It did not intend that the FDA would have the power to approve or reject dietary supplements.
  • The FDA’s draft guidance creates unnecessary regulations that limit my access to the dietary supplements I rely on. The expensive and burdensome process will force between 20,000 and 42,000 dietary supplements to be removed from the market and will increase the cost of those supplements that remain.
  • The draft guidance hurts our economy. Expert analyses show that this guidance will cause a total economic loss of $21.2 billion to $39.8 billion annually.


· Please keep close watch of the FDA to stop them from defying Congressional intent with their new draft guidance.

To look up your representative use this link:

For those that live in Utah, here are the phone numbers for your representatives:

Senator Orrin Hatch’s offices:

Washington: 202–224–5251

Utah: 801–524–4380

Senator Mike Lee’s offices:

Washington: 202–224–5444

Utah: 801–524–5933

Representative Jim Matheson’s offices:

Washington: 202–225–3011

Utah: 801–486–1236

Representative Rob Bishop’s offices:

Washington: 202–225–0453

Utah: 801–625–0107

Representative Jason Chaffetz’s offices:

Washington: 202–225–7751

Utah: 801–282–5502