Utah County is a great place to live. Things have been run pretty well along the status quo for years now. But isn't it time that we break that mold and start believing in better? I know that you want things to get better and that you know how. In order to accomplish that there are 4 points that I wish to stress as County Commissioner:
1. We have to be fiscally responsible. Yes, this means that cuts will have to be made, to lots of things. We all know that we have to live on a limited budget. Shouldn't government be required to tighten their budget just like you have? I will support your right to keep your money by cutting non-constitutionally mandated services. There are tough times for all of us in the future; supporting extra government shouldn't be one of them. Better is: lower the burden for everyone.
2. Government's responsibility is to allow for you to have the best chance for success, not to dictate who gets to be successful. You have the best ideas and can access the best resources for your business and family. Any time that government tries to step in, because they believe they are better at it than you, they only create more roadblocks to your success. Better is: getting rid of red tape, of lowering costs for everyone and making Utah County a place where companies want to come, because they will be treated fairly and the families of the people they employ will want to stay.
3. Roads are necessary, and so is effective planning. As the first two priorities come into affect we will have more people here; friends, neighbors and co-workers that will be driving around together. If a clear plan to create by ways and highways isn't put into effect, you will get to know them on a freeway parking lot. Better is: being ahead of the growth and with fiscal responsibility allowing for traffic to move, people will stay and businesses will prosper.
4. The Federal Government is telling us what to do with our own money. You know better how to handle your money, but with the help of current government, the Federal Government takes it and gives it back. You can feel that it is wrong and you are correct. Better is: having an official that will stand up and say NO to the Federal Government and until we have officials that will make that stand, we will keep giving our money to the Government and they will give it back as charity. It's time that we tell them to mind their own business.
You already know the answers to many of the issues. Things have been ok, but like you, I Believe in Better.
John D. Morris