Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New FDA regulations

Last year there was a new piece of legislature that promised to regulate food improve food safety through new laws and restrictions guidelines. That translated into new ways that the government can monitor and enforce onerous new requirements for all sorts of different things that aren’t part of the intended use of the law. After all, we know that Congress really only passes laws so that we can tell what is actually in it.

It is now being revealed that as a result of the new FDA powers that were added they are able to start pulling off the market any product that they do not agree with, instead of the current method that is currently in use, which gives the United States a clear advantage over the rest of the world. Many of the products that we use commonly, such as vitamins, minerals, gingko, ginseng, Reservitrol, garlic oil, aloe vera and many others, are not allowed to be sold outside of pharmacies, if at all. These products natural benefits that allow the average consumer to avoid using pharmaceutical products that have side effects and are much more costly, not to mention fit nicely in the Obamacare health plan. The current FDA proposed regulations would move us towards becoming more like those countries. This is a direct attack on Freedom and liberty. It is a direct attack on a large number of employers and companies here in Utah, especially Utah County.

On Thursday, September 8 there is a call-in campaign that is being organized to let our senators and representatives know that we do not support another attack on business, one that provides health benefits and employment to thousands. Please join me and many others to call in and let your US representatives know that we are drawing a line where they may not cross.

Here are some points to mention:

  • Request that Congress direct the FDA to carefully review their draft guidance, and unless they amend the guidance to reflect my concerns, to call hearings at the end of the review process.
  • When the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was passed, Congress intended there be a simple notification system for new supplements. But now the FDA is turning it into a pre-approval scheme—one that Congress never intended. This will reduce the number of supplements sold and increase the cost of those that remain.

  • Ask that the FDA honor Congressional intent and protect access to supplements

Mention at least one of the following points on your call:

  • Congress recognized that dietary supplements are natural ingredients and therefore inherently safer than drugs and chemical food additives. It did not intend that the FDA would have the power to approve or reject dietary supplements.
  • The FDA’s draft guidance creates unnecessary regulations that limit my access to the dietary supplements I rely on. The expensive and burdensome process will force between 20,000 and 42,000 dietary supplements to be removed from the market and will increase the cost of those supplements that remain.
  • The draft guidance hurts our economy. Expert analyses show that this guidance will cause a total economic loss of $21.2 billion to $39.8 billion annually.


· Please keep close watch of the FDA to stop them from defying Congressional intent with their new draft guidance.

To look up your representative use this link:

For those that live in Utah, here are the phone numbers for your representatives:

Senator Orrin Hatch’s offices:

Washington: 202–224–5251

Utah: 801–524–4380

Senator Mike Lee’s offices:

Washington: 202–224–5444

Utah: 801–524–5933

Representative Jim Matheson’s offices:

Washington: 202–225–3011

Utah: 801–486–1236

Representative Rob Bishop’s offices:

Washington: 202–225–0453

Utah: 801–625–0107

Representative Jason Chaffetz’s offices:

Washington: 202–225–7751

Utah: 801–282–5502

Monday, June 6, 2011

To the heroes . . .

My grandfather served in the navy during WWII. He landed Omaha beach even though he wasn't slotted for the landing, he was a medic so he was only carrying a .45 and his medic bag. That limited weight he carried saved his life as he jumped over the side of the landing boat he was on rushing the beach. He was one of the very few that survived out of his platoon. These are stories that he never told me, my dad did after reading his diaries. I actually only heard one story from my Grandpa before he died.

My grandfather grew up in rural Pennsylvania in the coal and slate mine areas of the west. He joined the Navy and enrolled in the pharmacy program. During that time he crossed the Atlantic ocean 4 times in a PT boat. Not the most fun of trip. So I heard about a kid that he knew from Pennsylvania. My grandfather say him as he was getting on another craft in their preparations to storm Normandy. He said that they waved to each other and my grandfather couldn't believe how much older he looked, how tired he looked and how much of a goof-off he had been in school. He went on to say that he never saw him again, he was one of those that had jumped over the side of a boat and had all his gear pull him down never to surface again.

There are so many that left their mortals lives at that and many other beaches in Europe, Africa and Asia. This was a generation that went to war because they had to because they knew that do otherwise would let tyranny and slavery march across the globe. And they did it with humility and honor. We are less because we do not know their stories, their history because it is our stories, our history. I thank all veterans this day, who's stories are told, untold or left unsaid because they laid they testimonies of Freedom on the battlefield.

We have much to learn from these heroes. We need to learn of Honor, of Courage, of Selflessness and, most of all, of Faith. We honor them when we know history. For if we do not know history we are bound to repeat the mistakes that some have laid their lives on to stop.

John D. Morris

PS. Here is a group that has found a way to mark and remember this occasion in Oklahoma:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day

“But I trust in that Providence, which has saved us in six troubles yea in seven, to rescue us again from any imminent, though unseen, dangers. Nothing, however, on our own part ought to be left undone.” – George Washington to Benjamin Lincoln

“I feel the most lively sentiments of gratitude to that divine Providence which has graciously interposed for the protection of our Civil and Religious Liberties.” – George Washington

As I was thinking of the coming Memorial Day I happened to also be reading these words from George Washington. He often proscribed his most fervent blessings upon the nation as he thought about the work that he was involved in. I feel that this is most import to remember on this day that we remember and mark those that came before; those in the military and those of our families who often sacrificed to much to keep us marching towards freedom and prosperity. I think of George Washington as the father of the country but also as the first Commander in Chief. He showed what real courage and honor were, a tradition that has been handed down to our military ever since, and which will continue as we support the values and virtues that were so important to our founding fathers.

I find it very interesting the thought that must occur to our veterans that go out to battle. The ideal to know that you might lose your life for someone so far away, who is living a comfortable life because of the torture and pain that you endure, it inspires to me to make my life better, to do more with what I have been given. George Washington sent men into battle that died so that we might be free; so the rights of Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness would live on. That these truths might become a Nation ruled by the dictates of our conscience and be able to live to the full measure of our creation, to be a land of ruled by laws and not of men.

So to all Veterans out there, I thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Thank you to those families of those who serve, who have lost so much, that we might have open before us the endless possibilities of Heaven.

It is up to us the living to remember the sacrifice of all those that came before. Therefore, I leave you with the words of my great mother, whom I also remember on this Memorial Day, “You are blessed to be stubborn, so be stubborn in the ways of righteousness.”

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Clearing up some things . . .

It seems that there are always people that want to grab the spotlight no matter what their situation. Case in point is Mike Ridgway. Now I normally would never speak about him because I don't want to invite others to think about him anymore than possible, but he's been twisting the truth around in a way only that he can.

On Wednesday, the 25th of May, I have been invited to speak on behalf of the city of Lehi regarding the actions of Mike from a meeting last year that he decided to interrupt. The truth is, I still have never met Mike. I've only been yelled at him on that March meeting last year. I didn't think anything else past that and didn't know about the court case until I received my subpoena. I didn't bring this case together, it's the city of Lehi.

Mike has invited people to come as a meet the candidate event. Since he has already invited people with the event and location, he'll be sure to provide the entertainment as well. Let's see how well he can dance around his own words. He claims to be for the truth but leaves out very important facts. I will do no such thing.

So, I hope to see everyone on the 25th at 2 pm. If you have any questions for me about running for County Commissioner, please find me and let's have an open discussion.

As for my stance, I do not support anyone that decides that disrupting meetings is a good thing. And I'm glad that the laws of the City of Lehi are taking care of the problem. My thanks to the good cops of Lehi and to David L. Clark, city prosecutor.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

John D. Morris for Utah County Commissioner

Welcome to the opening salvo in the charge to restoring time honored values and financial conservatism for Utah County. Some of you may have come to this site because you know me personally, some because you heard about the message from a friend, some may be curious to know what you can do to help and some may be here to try and find a way to attack my candidacy. Whatever the reason, I am glad that you came.

Please review all the pages in the website, review the platform and find out that I represent you, and your issues and concerns are the reason that I am running. I would like to know what you think, so please offer suggestions and input. I do not have all the answers, but all together we can find them; through fiscal responsiblity, allowing businesses to grow and prosper, planning correct methods to handle the growth of the county and by telling the Federal government - NO means NO.


John D. Morris