Sunday, May 22, 2011

Clearing up some things . . .

It seems that there are always people that want to grab the spotlight no matter what their situation. Case in point is Mike Ridgway. Now I normally would never speak about him because I don't want to invite others to think about him anymore than possible, but he's been twisting the truth around in a way only that he can.

On Wednesday, the 25th of May, I have been invited to speak on behalf of the city of Lehi regarding the actions of Mike from a meeting last year that he decided to interrupt. The truth is, I still have never met Mike. I've only been yelled at him on that March meeting last year. I didn't think anything else past that and didn't know about the court case until I received my subpoena. I didn't bring this case together, it's the city of Lehi.

Mike has invited people to come as a meet the candidate event. Since he has already invited people with the event and location, he'll be sure to provide the entertainment as well. Let's see how well he can dance around his own words. He claims to be for the truth but leaves out very important facts. I will do no such thing.

So, I hope to see everyone on the 25th at 2 pm. If you have any questions for me about running for County Commissioner, please find me and let's have an open discussion.

As for my stance, I do not support anyone that decides that disrupting meetings is a good thing. And I'm glad that the laws of the City of Lehi are taking care of the problem. My thanks to the good cops of Lehi and to David L. Clark, city prosecutor.


  1. John,

    Your post is nothing but a smear. Mike is a good man who has done a lot to fight corruption in Utah. We need more Mike Ridgways in this world that are willing to fight corruption rather than be a cheerleader for party insiders. Shame on you. As a regular Utah County delegate, I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't get elected.

    Let's see if you are honest enough to leave up my response.

  2. I have no problem leaving up your comment. As anyone that reads my response can see that I am not smearing Mike, but simply thanking Lehi City Prosecutor's for inviting me, and clearing up the misinformation that Mike was the one that was inviting me to his Court Trial.

    I fail to see what I have to be ashamed of at this point. I would love to have a conversation with you about it, but as you haven't left a note as to who you are, I will have to wait for you to be honest about it. Then we can discuss any opinion and motive as necessary.


    John D. Morris

    1. I'm a little late to the party having just started looking at the candidates for Utah County Commissioner. I don't know whether you (John D. Morris) will see this post, given this thread started so long ago, but if you do I would be interested in your response.

      You said, "I am not smearing Mike...". Here's what you said about him: "he's been twisting the truth around in a way only that he can" and "He claims to be for the truth but leaves out very important facts." You have effectively called him a liar without offering any evidence or examples. Does that not constitute a smear?

      I don't know Mike and am just raising this question based on my reading of this thread.

      John F. Cannon
      County Delegate from EM02

  3. Pretty easy to be bold behind a veil of anonymity.

  4. Will Mr. John Morris, who brags of his prowess in black belt marshal arts, withhold the truth that he physically manhandled Mike that fateful night on February 11, 2010?

    I promise no matter how much you didn't like the truth Mike shared that night, he did not touch you like you touched him.

    It's bad enough to post such a smear as you do here, but to KNOW your background and KNOW what you did that night is just criminal. You, Mr. John D. Morris, should be ashamed of yourself.

    By the way, what positions do you or have you held in the iCaucus organization? Did you really think the meeting that night was an iCaucus event? What professional or political connection do you have with Challenger schools?

    Will you answer my questions and will you leave MY comment up here, too?

    Thank you. Roobah -- who was at that meeting that night.

  5. Well Mr. Roobah, welcome to my site, glad that you could come. I will relate as to what happened that night. It's an interesting spin that you put on it that I manhandled Mike, if that is what you consider blocking his view as he made his way to the door and that when he tried to step through me I let him walk into me and I would not let him pass. That he touched me I will admit, and if that is your definition of manhandled, well let the truth stand.

    My position that night with Icaucus was State Director of Utah. I currently am in emeritus status because of my running for office, as per the by-laws of Icaucus. A fine organization that I continue to support. I was invited to the event as a member of Icaucus by Utah Rising, of which Icaucus is a member.

    As far as Challenger, I do not have any connection with Challenger, other than I was a guest that night to their fine facilities.

    Since you were there that night, I suppose that you were there to learn about the delegate system and about the candidates. I hope that you were able to learn about how to become a delegate from the event.


    John D. Morris
