Sunday, May 1, 2011

John D. Morris for Utah County Commissioner

Welcome to the opening salvo in the charge to restoring time honored values and financial conservatism for Utah County. Some of you may have come to this site because you know me personally, some because you heard about the message from a friend, some may be curious to know what you can do to help and some may be here to try and find a way to attack my candidacy. Whatever the reason, I am glad that you came.

Please review all the pages in the website, review the platform and find out that I represent you, and your issues and concerns are the reason that I am running. I would like to know what you think, so please offer suggestions and input. I do not have all the answers, but all together we can find them; through fiscal responsiblity, allowing businesses to grow and prosper, planning correct methods to handle the growth of the county and by telling the Federal government - NO means NO.


John D. Morris

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