Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day

“But I trust in that Providence, which has saved us in six troubles yea in seven, to rescue us again from any imminent, though unseen, dangers. Nothing, however, on our own part ought to be left undone.” – George Washington to Benjamin Lincoln

“I feel the most lively sentiments of gratitude to that divine Providence which has graciously interposed for the protection of our Civil and Religious Liberties.” – George Washington

As I was thinking of the coming Memorial Day I happened to also be reading these words from George Washington. He often proscribed his most fervent blessings upon the nation as he thought about the work that he was involved in. I feel that this is most import to remember on this day that we remember and mark those that came before; those in the military and those of our families who often sacrificed to much to keep us marching towards freedom and prosperity. I think of George Washington as the father of the country but also as the first Commander in Chief. He showed what real courage and honor were, a tradition that has been handed down to our military ever since, and which will continue as we support the values and virtues that were so important to our founding fathers.

I find it very interesting the thought that must occur to our veterans that go out to battle. The ideal to know that you might lose your life for someone so far away, who is living a comfortable life because of the torture and pain that you endure, it inspires to me to make my life better, to do more with what I have been given. George Washington sent men into battle that died so that we might be free; so the rights of Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness would live on. That these truths might become a Nation ruled by the dictates of our conscience and be able to live to the full measure of our creation, to be a land of ruled by laws and not of men.

So to all Veterans out there, I thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Thank you to those families of those who serve, who have lost so much, that we might have open before us the endless possibilities of Heaven.

It is up to us the living to remember the sacrifice of all those that came before. Therefore, I leave you with the words of my great mother, whom I also remember on this Memorial Day, “You are blessed to be stubborn, so be stubborn in the ways of righteousness.”

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Clearing up some things . . .

It seems that there are always people that want to grab the spotlight no matter what their situation. Case in point is Mike Ridgway. Now I normally would never speak about him because I don't want to invite others to think about him anymore than possible, but he's been twisting the truth around in a way only that he can.

On Wednesday, the 25th of May, I have been invited to speak on behalf of the city of Lehi regarding the actions of Mike from a meeting last year that he decided to interrupt. The truth is, I still have never met Mike. I've only been yelled at him on that March meeting last year. I didn't think anything else past that and didn't know about the court case until I received my subpoena. I didn't bring this case together, it's the city of Lehi.

Mike has invited people to come as a meet the candidate event. Since he has already invited people with the event and location, he'll be sure to provide the entertainment as well. Let's see how well he can dance around his own words. He claims to be for the truth but leaves out very important facts. I will do no such thing.

So, I hope to see everyone on the 25th at 2 pm. If you have any questions for me about running for County Commissioner, please find me and let's have an open discussion.

As for my stance, I do not support anyone that decides that disrupting meetings is a good thing. And I'm glad that the laws of the City of Lehi are taking care of the problem. My thanks to the good cops of Lehi and to David L. Clark, city prosecutor.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

John D. Morris for Utah County Commissioner

Welcome to the opening salvo in the charge to restoring time honored values and financial conservatism for Utah County. Some of you may have come to this site because you know me personally, some because you heard about the message from a friend, some may be curious to know what you can do to help and some may be here to try and find a way to attack my candidacy. Whatever the reason, I am glad that you came.

Please review all the pages in the website, review the platform and find out that I represent you, and your issues and concerns are the reason that I am running. I would like to know what you think, so please offer suggestions and input. I do not have all the answers, but all together we can find them; through fiscal responsiblity, allowing businesses to grow and prosper, planning correct methods to handle the growth of the county and by telling the Federal government - NO means NO.


John D. Morris